Government Accountability in Action: The New York City Police Department
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009Some people have claimed that accountability in the public sector is even more difficult than the private sector because of the degree of bureaucracy involved. This is the primary reason that many are pushing for increased privatization of government services.
History has shown that there are limits to the degree of privatization that society will accept, so we [...]
Praise For Follow The Fed To Investment Success
"As a multi billion dollar investor in hedge funds and a money manager, it is clear that Doug has written a book that provides one stop shopping for the professional and novice all in one. It is quite remarkable how he easily combines experience, lessons and fun storytelling to make this a must read."
- Robert Picard
Chief Investment Officer,
Optima Fund Management
"I have known Doug Roberts for a long time, and have followed his career and research with great interest. Doug is always on the cutting edge when it comes to finding the simple way to do the things that Wall Street likes to complicate. With Follow the Fed, he has come up with a brilliant strategy that, over time, enables the average investor to create true wealth and financial security. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for great returns without making it a second career."
- Henry Fernandez
Chairman & CEO
"Facts are facts, numbers don't lie, and Doug's Follow the Fed investment strategies make sense for the vast majority of people... It is easy, inexpensive and, over time, should make you a lot of money."
- Hilary Kramer
AOL Finance Editor
"'Our life is frittered away by detail...simplify, simplify, simplify!' Douglas Roberts has applied Henry David Thoreau's injuction to come up with a strategy for investors who actually have a job, a family and interests - in other words, a life."
- Randall W. Forsyth
Barron's Online
"If Douglas Roberts were to teach a course in money management for the average investor, his mantra would be 'Omit Market Noise.' ... Roberts has pared all the equity research and market predictions down to three simple words: Follow The Fed."
- Nancy Opiela
CFA Institute Magazine
"In Follow the Fed to Investment Success, Doug Roberts reduces the mind numbing financial world to a comprehensible, simple and enjoyable read. His easy to follow recommendations do not require the reader to have a Masters in Finance, nor the need to monitor the financial market for hours at a time."
Nick Brown
Managing Director
GFI Group Inc.
"While Doug has written this book for the novice investor, even the most experienced professional can learn from his life and investment lessons. Written in an easy to comprehend style, he mixes serious stories and advice with personal revelations and a bit of history that make this book a must read!"
Paul C. Guidone, CFA
Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer
Linden Point Capital Management, LLC
"Doug Roberts is a superbly talented investment guru. His unique approach, proven to work in any market, allows investors to get back to their lives while beating most of the Wall Street experts. If you're looking to read only one book on growing your personal wealth, look no further that Follow the Fed to Investment Success!"
David N. Feldman
Feldman, Weinstein & Smith LLP
"Doug Roberts has unlocked a wonderful, simple and deeply historical perspective on how to intelligently and successfully beat the market. His well tested Follow the Fed model runs counter to the current 'get rich quick' investment culture, emphasizing wealth preservation and a long-term strategy."
Samuel E. Navarro
Managing Director
Cowen & Company
"Follow the Fed is a great resource for anyone who wants to understand more about the world of investing. More importantly, it shows them how to make more money by spending far less time and money than they do today."
- Danon Robinson
Managing Member
Toro Trading LLC
"Anyone who believes they'll be able to rely exclusively on Social Security for their retirement better think again. Having been a witness to years of careless government spending, I encourage everyone to find another way to ensure that you'll have the money you need to enjoy life. I have read Follow the Fed to Investment Success, and truly believe that this strategy has what it takes to achieve that goal."
Joe Kyrillos
New Jersey State Senator